We are so excited to announce our upcoming collaboration with our Japanese/Austrian family @chanomavienna 🌱
Founded in 2006 in Vienna, Austria, Cha No Ma was one of the first concept tea shops to focus exclusively on Japanese green tea, at a time when Matcha and green tea weren’t as well known in the West. Swing by if you’re ever in Vienna, and enjoy authentic homemade Japanese sweets, onigiri, as well as all sorts of green tea.
Together, we’ll be hosting a breakfast this upcoming Saturday 20 July, from 9.30 to 11.30. One ticket gets you a drink and food item of your choice, combining the best of what our land has to offer and delicious Japanese teas.
At 10.30, join the presentation held by the @chanomavienna staff, who’ll be sharing with us some history and details of Japanese green tea.
See you there, don’t be late 🌱🍵
per i prossimi due mesi, Terrafranta aprirà stabilmente due giorni a settimana, il Giovedì e Venerdì, dalle 18 alle 21.
Merende, aperitivi, degustazioni di prodotti aziendali e di aziende agricole del territorio. Opzioni vegane e vegetariane, analcoliche e non. Sempre e solo cibo giusto sano e onesto.
PRIMA DATA: Venerdì 14 Giugno. In occasione di questa nuova apertura, l’apericena sarà offerto con ogni bevuta acquistata. Tanttttta focaccia e cose buone :) gratis, si!
[ingresso libero senza prenotazione]
Oltre a degustare le varie prelibatezze, sarà possibile partecipare alla raccolta della lavanda: ogni partecipante riceverà un cestino e delle forbici, e dopo una breve dimostrazione, potrete riempire il vostro cestino con tutta la lavanda che nei vorrete portarvi a casa. Al nostro angolo fai-da-te, troverete nastri e spaghi per creare i vostri bouquets.
Prenotazione obbligatoria al link in bio per la raccolta della lavanda.
** English **
For the next two months, Terrafranta will be open two days a week, on Thursdays and Fridays, from 6 pm to 9pm.
Snacks, aperitivo, and a variety of other products (from Terrafranta and other local producers) will be on offer. Vegan, vegetarian, alcoholic, and non-alcoholic options will be available. Always (and only) healthy and honest food.
FIRST DATE: Friday, June 14th. To kick off this first opening an apericena will be offered with every beverage purchased. Lots of focaccia and other good things :) FOR FREE… Yes!
[Free entry without reservation]
In addition to snacks and drinks, it will also be possible to take part in the lavender harvest: each participant will receive a basket with scissors, and after a short demonstration, you can fill your basket with all the lavender you want to take home. At our DIY corner, you will find ribbons, and strings to make your bouquets.
Reserve your spot HERE for the lavender harvest.
Carduccio torna nei campi di Terrafranta per una domenica all’insegna dell’Ozio.
Brunch a base di prodotti bio del territorio, musica jazz dal vivo, laboratori per bambini immersi nella natura a cura di AULE, yoga e massaggi con Clara Lott e poi vini e birra artigianale + stuzzichini agricoli ad accompagnarci fino all’aperitivo, con selezione musicale di Davide Grigatti
oziando nei campi, insieme
Vi aspettiamo 🌱
Prenotazioni al link QUI, nei prossimi giorni verranno pubblicati menù e programma dettagliato.
Carduccio returns to the fields of Terrafranta for a Sunday dedicated to relaxation.
Brunch based on organic local products, live jazz music, workshops for children immersed in nature by AULE, yoga, and massages with Carla Lott, and plenty of wines and craft beer + appetizers to accompany us until aperitivo time, with a selection of music by Davide Grigatti
Lazing in the fields, together
We are waiting for you 🌱
Reservations at the link HERE. The menu and detailed program will be published in the next few days.